Bandai Namco Pictures announced on Monday that the “Baragaki” (Thorny) part of the Gintama anime will also have compilation screenings. The “Gintama on Theater 2D: Baragaki-hen” collection will open with a limited run of three weeks in Japanese cinemas on November 10. The anime’s X (formerly Twitter) account reports that the screenings will feature “new additional video content,” but did not specify whether the new video is story content, nor is it animation.
The website also published the composite image:
The collection is part of the Gintama franchise’s 20th anniversary, with 2023 the 20th anniversary of Hideaki Sorachi’s Gintama manga and 2026 the 20th anniversary of the television anime. The Yorinuki Gintama-san rerun of the television anime also spawned two collections “on Theater 2D” in 2012 and 2013.
3-Nen Z-Gumi Ginpachi-Sensei (Ginpachi Teacher of Class 3-Z), Tomohito Ōsaki’s spinoff novel series based on Hideaki Sorachi’s Gintama manga will also get an anime adaptation.
Sorachi’s original “sci-fi-comedy” manga began in 2003 and ended in June 2019 with over 55 million copies in circulation. The manga has inspired several television anime series with a total of 367 episodes, as well as three previous anime films. The latest anime series premiered in July 2018. The manga has also inspired many original anime videos (OVAs), event anime, two live-action films, and two live-action net versions. Viz Media published the first 23 volumes of the manga in English.
Gintama THE VERY FINAL (Gintama: The Final), the third and final anime film based on the end of the original manga, incorporating new story elements, opens in Japan in January 2021.
Eleven Arts screened the film in Japanese with English subtitles and an English dub in theaters in North America in November 2021. Eleven Arts and Shout! Factory released the film digitally in January 2022, and on Blu-ray and DVD in February 2022.
The manga also inspired an online anime special titled Gintama The Semi-Final with a story that serves as two prequel films.-episodes. Net anime premiered exclusively in Japan on the online dTV service in January 2021. It also features a novel by Mirei Miyamoto that was published in January.
Source: website, Comic Natalie
Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings Inc., is a minority, non-controlling shareholder in Anime News Network Inc.