Movie House Task Force C21 aired in 1998 with 9 episodes telling the story of 5 classmates who share the same passion for investigating cases: Minh To O (Tuan Long), Son Skull (Duc Thinh), Quang Trat (Han Quang Tu), Sang Trat (Han Quang Tu). fat (Tung Lam).
With their intelligence and quick wits, this set of 5 has helped to find many problems, contributing to maintaining the security of the school and the dormitory where they are staying. The film has been on the air for 25 years, but it is still a good memory for many viewers.
After many years of broadcasting, the “child detectives” of House Task Force C21 has changed a lot now. The leader of the “special” group is Minh to ow, led by Tuan Long.
As the male lead, again assigned the role of the group’s leader plus smart and flexible acting, Tuan Long became a bright child actor at that time.
After the role of Minh To Owl, Tuan Long continued to try his hand at cinema through a number of other films such as: Classmate, House with iron gate… However, at the age of 18, he retired from acting and worked in the police force. Until now, Tuan Long almost no longer appears in the entertainment industry.
Son skull is the role of Duc Thinh – the “elder” in the “child detective” group, he is 3 years older than the whole group, and has a much taller appearance. Thanks to that, Duc Thinh successfully portrayed the image of Son Skull who is good at martial arts and calm of the “special team”.
After the movie C21 House Task Force, Duc Thinh participated in a number of other films but did not overcome the shadow of Son Skull. However, he continues to work in the entertainment industry as a singer, songwriter, MC… He is the author of the song. Hundred years not to forget performed by singer Quang Ha quite successfully.
By 2020, Duc Thinh was diagnosed with stage two lymphoma. Since then, the guy “Son of the skull” has received chemotherapy many times, determined to fight the evil cancer. During treatment, he not only continued to work in the field of art, but also organized many charity programs to support cancer patients with difficult circumstances.
Among the main male actors of C21 House Task Force, in addition to Duc Thinh, there is Han Quang Tu (as Quang basket) who is still active in the field of art. The smart guy Quang, who has a small but agile appearance, has now become a professional actor.
After the role of Quang Basket, Han Quang Tu participated in many more famous TV series: Savings, Lost, Black Forest… He graduated from Hanoi University of Theater and Cinema with excellent honors in 2018 and still retains the school as a lecturer. Currently, Han Quang Tu continues to participate in suitable film and stage projects, he also has a happy personal life.
Unlike the other 3 guys, Tung Lam “disappeared” completely from the small screen since the role of Fat Sang of the C21 Task Force. Once impressed with the image of a funny, narcissistic fat guy, but after this movie, Tung Lam did not participate in any other roles.
The actor shared: “Growing up, I find that I no longer have a predestined relationship with art, nor do I like acting anymore, so I don’t follow the acting career. I’ve acted in movies since I was a child, but Sang Beo is the most impressive role.”
After the role of Fat Sang, Tung Lam practiced Judo professionally for 4 years and lost more than 20kg. After 4 years of pursuing Judo, Tung Lam majored in economics in China and returned to the family business.