The Unaware Atelier Master will be adapted into a television anime in April 2025, which also revealed the first visuals, trailer, cast and crew. Studio EMT Squared will handle the animation, with Hisashi Ishii as director, Deko Akao in charge of series composition, and Harikemu Wata in charge of music.
The Unaware Atelier Master – Anime Teaser Trailer | Release date April 2025
The main voice cast for the anime The Unaware Atelier Master includes the following members:
Mikako Komatsu as KurtAsami Seto as YuliciaMinami Tanaka as Lieselotte
You can hear them in the trailer above, and they also appear in the teaser image below.
The Unaware Atelier Master – Teaser Visual
Yosuke Tokino wrote the light novel The Unaware Atelier Master (Kanchigai no Atorie Maisuta), featuring illustrations by Zounoze. It was first published online in August 2018, while AlphaPolis began publishing in March 2019. There is also a manga adaptation by Naharu Furukawa, which began on AlphaPolis in December 2019. The manga is published digitally in English through Alpha Manga.
The story follows Kurt, a boy who was kicked out of the Hero Party for being “useless” and having low fighting skills. However, as usual, it turns out that all of his non-combat skills are actually SSS level, making it possible for him to save everyone while being completely unaware of how strong he really is.
In other news for today, another 'useless' OP MC will debut in January in the Hazure Skill anime “Kinomi Master”.
Source: Official website
© 2025 Tokino Yosuke, AlphaPolis/Atelier's Master Production Committee is clueless