Amid a series of popular Chinese films that have aired recently, Trang Khang Khai Ky Luc It’s not very popular, but it’s relatively well-regarded by the audience. The film received a Douban score of up to 8.2 – a remarkable achievement for a Chinese film this year. The content was also praised for exploiting a story about the law without being dry or difficult to understand. In particular, the appearance of actress Bao Thuong An also became a topic of interest to many viewers.
In the film, Bao Thuong An plays Lam Tam Tu, a woman who does not have much acting space. However, in every moment of her appearance, she shines with her pure, muse-like beauty. In the movie, Bao Thuong An rarely wears elaborate makeup, and even often leaves his face bare or only applies light lipstick, but his beauty is still not drowned out, beautiful regardless of every moment.
Bao Thuong An’s bare face
She doesn’t wear much makeup in the movie
Watching the film, the audience must be in awe of Bao Thuong An’s clear beauty. In particular, many people also think that her appearance reminds of the beautiful actress Go Yoon Jung, who is known as the drag star goddess, the beauty with a diamond-shaped face in Korea. Both of them exude pure beauty, extremely good-looking.
Bao Thuong An was born in 2002, is a rookie in the Chinese-language entertainment industry. Before Trang Khang Khai Ky Luc, She attracted attention when she was chosen to play the female lead Hoang Dung in Condor Hero 2023 edition. Despite possessing a beautiful appearance, Bao Thuong An was deemed not strong enough to take on this iconic heavyweight role.
Photo source: Mango TV