Kaiju No. 8, the highly anticipated anime adaptation of Naoya Matsumoto’s manga, is expected to make waves in the anime industry by becoming the first series to stream on X/Twitter. The groundbreaking announcement was made during Jump Festa 2024, adding an unprecedented dimension to the anime viewing experience.
The official statement on the anime’s website confirmed “worldwide real-time distribution on X (Twitter),” marking a significant change in the way anime content is delivered to a global audience. . While details on whether anime will be accessible for free on X are still uncertain, the move ushers in a new era in the distribution of animated content.
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Production IG is leading the anime adaptation, scheduled to premiere in April 2024. The initial announcement was made at New York Comic Con, including the reveal that the series will be available exclusively on Crunchyroll. The anticipation for Kaiju No. 8 has only increased since then, as fans are eager to witness the dynamic storytelling and compelling visuals in animated form.
The main trailer for Kaiju No. 8 has been released, offering a glimpse into the world of Kaiju-slaying prodigy Kikoru Shinomiya, voiced by Fairouz Ai, and Third Division Deputy Soshiro Hoshina, played by Kengo Kawanishi voiceover. The addition of these talented voice actors will add to the excitement for fans waiting for the anime premiere.
Naoya Matsumoto, the creator of Kaiju No. 8, shared his enthusiasm during Jump Festa, expressing his childhood dream of seeing his Kaiju creations animated. Matsumoto expressed his surprise at various elements of the animation production process, from materials to design drawings and storyboards. The creator also emphasized the emotional impact of hearing the actors’ voices for the first time, a moment that added a new dimension to his creative process. The voice cast for Kaiju No. 8 includes Masaya Fukunishi as Kafka Hibino, Wataru Kato as Reno Ichikawa.
Source: Twitter