Jujutsu Kaisen has many tragedies. The story has become increasingly darker since the Shibuya Incident when Kenjaku sealed Satoru Gojo. Disaster curses are too powerful for modern spellcasters. Things get worse when Sukuna causes Shibuya to be destroyed.
The latest chapter revealed Sukuna's fire technique. Although Yuji's consecutive Black Flashes prevented Sukuna from using the Reflection Technique, it was still not enough to stop him.
The Curse King has been taking advantage of the Binding Oath since his battle with Gojo. After he used the fire arrow, a tragedy happened.
Who dies in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 259?
As revealed, Choso died while protecting Yuji from Sukuna's fire in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 259.
Choso died in the most tragic way possible. He created a barrier of blood around Yuji to protect him from Sukuna's fire. Inside the small barrier set up by Choso, he gradually burned black but still managed to say to Yuji: “I felt useless during the training, I just followed my feelings.”
The frame then shifts to the dining table scene in Choso's imagination (when he learns that Yuuji is his younger brother in Shibuya). This time most of the seats were empty, only the two brothers sat at the end of the long table. In this world, Choso felt proud of Yuji for learning the Reflection Technique faster than him. He also said that younger brothers must surpass their older brothers.
Yuji scolds Choso when he thinks Choso is about to disappear. However, Choso says that he also needs to apologize to Yuji, for leaving him alone again. Choso also talked to Eso and Kechizu.
Back in reality, Choso's last words were “Thank you, Yuji, for being my little brother.” Yuuji called out “Eldest brother. Thank you” as the surrounding protective circle gradually faded away.
For a short time, Choso was with Yuji as a human and as his older brother. Therefore, despite being born as a curse, he lived as a human for a few days and died as a curse.