In both Shippuden and the original series, Naruto's protagonist only kills one person directly, while also defeating countless villains. Naruto's violence and copious amounts of blood, gore, and piercing are nothing short of surprising.
Thankfully, Naruto himself has a much kinder worldview, allowing villains to change their ways. However, Naruto ended up killing someone while pursuing the Hokage.
Shōnen Jump main characters are rarely shown as murderers; instead, they frequently took the initiative or showed pity for their opponents, promoting the magazine's ideals of cooperation and friendliness.
When villains in Shonen manga and anime die, the protagonist is not directly responsible for the death; instead, the plot usually revolves around the problem.
After his battle with Pain, in which the vivacious young ninja changed the villain's perspective and forced Pain to sacrifice his life to bring back all his old victims, Naruto accomplished just that.
Even Kaguya Otsutsuki, Naruto's final villain, was safely imprisoned instead of completely destroyed. The reaction to these significant dangers is what makes the confirmation of Naruto's only kill so surprising.
Naruto only killed one person, Yura, the Sand Ninja
Yura, a jonin of Sunagakure, is the only person Naruto Uzumaki has killed in his story, despite fighting countless enemies. At first, Yura was considered a trustworthy member of the Kazekage council.
However, it was eventually discovered that he was a secret agent working for Akatsuki. When Sasori and Deidara arrived, his memories were revived. The pain turns Yura into an Itachi clone after his espionage activities end.
Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Chiyo fought Yura under the guise of her brother Sasuke before Naruto used his massive Rasengan technique to kill her. Viewers then witness Yura's body, proving his death.
Even if Naruto thinks he's fighting Itachi, it's strange that the future Hokage kills Yura but bigger, more brutal villains escape with their lives in a movie that intentionally Avoid portraying Naruto as a murderer.
Since the fight takes place right at the beginning of Naruto Shippuden, it is possible that the Akatsuki puppet was intended as an insignificant character so that Naruto could destroy him without his morality being questioned, or that the death was intended to emphasize growth. Naruto became more successful after that. leap of time.
Naruto has killed more anime characters than Yura
Although Yura is the only assassin Naruto has achieved, exploring the world of fillers creates some new opportunities. For example, Naruto's signature Rasengan technique sent Raiga, a Kirigakure ninja, flying off a cliff.
Raiga actually committed suicide as he fell, most likely knowing that the fall would kill him anyway, so Naruto may not have been the only one responsible for Raiga's demise. In addition, Naruto also contributed to the downfall of Urashiki Otsutsuki.
In Boruto's subplot, this villain attacks young Naruto by traveling back in time. Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto, and Jiraiya worked together to eliminate Urashiki, so in this unofficial adventure, Naruto is responsible for the character's fate.
Naruto defeats many villains but rarely deals the final blow
Yura's death is an exception to the unwritten shounen rule that main characters are not allowed to kill, ignoring the murders Naruto commits in side content. This has led to some conjecture that Naruto's massive Rasengan only interrupted the transformation and left behind a corpse, and that Pain's Transformation technique took Yura's life.
The protagonist would be able to exert his moral superiority by avoiding the ultimate attack if Yura was murdered by Pain instead of Naruto, even if nothing in the canon suggests this would be the case. However, Yura is the only character in the Naruto canon whose death Naruto personally entrusted to her.
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