Upcoming anime series Kamitsubaki City Under Construction has released its second teaser image ahead of the film's 2025 release. An accompanying promotional trailer showing the characters' images and voices was also released. onion.
Kamitsubaki City Under Construction – TV Anime Second Visual
Kodai Kakimoto is directing the film and he is also in charge of the series composition. Soki Tsukishima is in charge of world building, supervision, and original scripts. Character design will be done by PALOW. The characters in the anime will be voiced by members of VWP (Virtual Witch Phenomenon), including members KAF, RIM, Harusaruhi, Isekaijoucho, and KOKO.
Kamitsubaki City Under Construction – TV Anime Second visual promotional video
Following the announcement, Kamitsubaki City Under Construction also announced a partnership with railway operator Keio Corporation. The campaign will run from November 29 to December 15. A special image has also been released:
Kamitsub aki City under construction x Keio Corporation Collaboration
The anime is based on an original IP project developed by creative studio KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO, focusing on the virtual city KAMITSUBAKI CITY and is one of many story projects associated with the studio's artists. The project is supported by the studio's user participation project, using the Discord and X (Twitter) communities, with ARG and TTRPG being the main focus of the project.
Another project from the studio is the rhythm game KAMITSUBAKI CITY ENSEMBLE, with Steam listing the game with the following summary:
Kamitsubaki City Ensemble is a rhythm game in the Apocalypse Awakened AI Girls that uses special song magic to create melodies with you, in an effort to reboot the world. How did the devastation happen? Why do these girls exist? All the answers will be revealed…when the music stops.
Source: Official website