Previously announced anime series Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote released its first trailer on Wednesday. The trailer stars Chika Watanabe (Yuhi Yugure) and Yumiko Sato (Yasumi Utatane). The anime is expected to premiere around 2024.
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Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote – Trailer
Studio CONNECT is animating with Hideki Tachibana as director. Keiichiro Uchi wrote the script and Shoko Takimoto designed the characters. Moe Toyota will voice Chika Watanabe (Yuhi Yugure) while Miku Ito plays Yumiko Sato (Yasumi Utatane).
The anime is based on the light novel series written by Ko Nigatsu and illustrated by Saba Mizorure. The series began publication in February 2020 by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint and currently has 9 volumes in circulation. The title won the Grand Prize in the 26th Dengeki Novel Award in 2019. Umemi Makimoto’s manga adaptation began in 2020 with a total of 3 volumes.
Seiyuu drama Radio no Uraomote will tell the story of Yuuhi Yuugure and Yasumi Utatane, two high school voice actresses who happen to be in the same class. Both are weekly radio show hosts. As classmates and voice actors, they show listeners their great friendship! At least, on the surface. In fact, the quiet girl Chika and the gyaru Yumiko are complete opposites and they absolutely cannot stand each other. Chaos and insults erupted. On air, they are best friends. Where will this tumultuous relationship lead them?
Source: Official X (formerly Twitter)Webpage
© Kou Nigatsu 2020