Unlike most other shounen anime, One Piece does not have a main character caught in a fierce competition. Instead, the rivalry is shown through Luffy's teammates, Zoro and Sanji. As the two strongest members of the Straw Hat Pirates after their captain, their rivalry has been going on for many years.
First, their personalities are very different and they never miss a chance to insult the other. While Zoro mocks Sanji's tendency to fall in love with every woman he meets, the chef frequently criticizes the swordsman for his poor sense of direction.
They also have funny nicknames for each other: “moss head” and “perverted chef”. On top of that, they also have a long-running competition over who has the higher payouts.
But underneath this humorous rivalry, there's still a sense of camaraderie and respect between Zoro and Sanji. Although rarely shown, their friendship can be found in subtle moments. But the new One Piece magazine clearly confirms that, deep down, Sanji and Zoro recognize each other.
One Piece 18 magazine was released on June 4, 2024, themed around the “Wings” of the future Pirate King, i.e. Zoro and Sanji. The latest volume reveals many interesting tidbits about the characters, and the new Zoro novel is also included in this issue.
The magazine shows that Zoro and Sanji's true feelings about each other can be determined by their actions. For example, Zoro always eats Sanji's food excitedly, confident in the blonde guy's cooking skills.
He also acknowledges Sanji's strength and believes that the chef will protect everyone at all costs. This is especially seen when Zoro does not believe that Nami and the others were killed in Zou since Sanji was with them. Despite their constant arguments, Zoro still cares and worries about the chef.
On the other hand, Sanji respects Zoro's dream very much. In Thriller Bark, he is willing to sacrifice himself to protect the dreams of the swordsman and his remaining teammates. He is also one of the very few people who knows the truth about Zoro's sacrifice that day.
Sanji acknowledges Zoro's strength and sacrifice, knowing that he fights for his comrades at the cost of his own life, as seen in the Arlong arc. Because he has great faith in the swordsman and his skills, Sanji entrusts his “precious” women to his opponent.
Even though the rivalry between Zoro and Sanji has always been used for comedy instead of hatred and jealousy, clarifying their true feelings is still appreciated. This justification demonstrates how tightly knit the Straw Hats are and how deep their loyalty is.