Publisher Takeshobo announced that the Gushing Over Magical Girls manga is on indefinite hiatus due to the author’s (Akihiro Ononaka) poor health. Most porn shows are not very successful. Either attract strong condemnation or appeal only to a select few. And while this may be the law of the world, this chapter pays little attention to these established vicissitudes.
It may not be at the top of the charts or in the top 10 lists of anime to watch, but Gushing Over Magical Girls has attracted a strong following as nearly every anime site has had to post Magia Baiser’s face several times. every week. Blu-ray disc sales and manga reprints reflect this popularity and the series seems unstoppable so far. But life has little regard for success, and the Gushing Over Magical Girls manga is currently on an indefinite hiatus.
Now airing in all its lewd glory on HIDIVE. Gushing Over Magical Girls is an entertaining yet enchanting story. Focuses on Utena Hiiragi, a girl who loves nothing more in life than magical girls. The chapter focuses on how one’s obsessions can quickly descend into rather dark waters when given the choice to do so.
Through a twist of fate, she is given the once-in-a-lifetime chance to become a magical girl, or so she thinks. What actually happens is that she has to wear a skimpy outfit and has to fight the magical girls she loves so much.
But she quickly realizes that even unexpected and unwanted events can bring lucky opportunities, because now, she can be close to her idol. In fact, she may be uncomfortable around her idol. And the closer she got to them, the happier Utena became. But her noble goal is to become the bedroom bully of magical girls who are threatened by evil forces plotting to conquer the world. However, Utena will not give up! She will fight to protect her new found love!
Source: Takeshobo, Screenshot via HIDIVE© Akihiro Ononaka/ Takeshobo/ Gushing Over Magical Girls Production Committee