The anime adaptation of Attack on Titan came to a dramatic end in November 2023, while the manga series ended in April 2021. Despite the story's emotional ending, fans continue to struggled with the series' ending, largely due to the profound impact of its characters.
Hajime Isayama, the creator of Attack on Titan, revealed that his favorite character is not protagonist Eren Yeager, even though he invested a lot in creating Eren.
In a recent interview for the launch of K- Manga, Isayama was asked about his favorite character. Initially, he mentioned Jean Kirstein, but after some contemplation, he decided on Reiner Braun. He explained that Reiner turned out to be completely different from what he expected and that he enjoyed drawing him immensely.
Hajime Isayama reveals his favorite Attack on Titan character
Isayama highlighted Reiner's big reveal to Eren as one of his most memorable and emotional scenes. The scene was conceived after many hours of deliberation in Kodansha's storyboard room, and Isayama felt deeply attached to it. Reiner stands out thanks to his complex and well-developed character arcs, portraying the main character from a different perspective. Struggling with internal conflicts, Reiner's duality and his journey between the two warring sides make him a fascinating character.
The origin of Attack on Titan dates back to a one-shot Isayama wrote at the age of 19, which eventually developed into a legendary anime. The ending remains controversial, Isayama envisioned the ending from the beginning, initially believing the story would end in two volumes. However, as the manga's popularity skyrocketed, Isayama began to question its direction.
[Phỏng vấn manga Hajime Isayama K]
Hajime Isayama's current favorite character is back with Reiner
– Attack on Titan Wiki (@AoTWiki) June 23, 2023
Season 4 of Attack on Titan caused some controversy among fans but is considered by many to be a masterpiece. The series was praised for its exploration of themes such as fascism, war, friendship, and love. Despite mixed reactions to the finale, Attack on Titan left a lasting legacy, with its characters and story depth continuing to resonate with fans. The intricate depiction of characters like Eren and Reiner, along with the story's complex plot, ensures that Attack on Titan remains an important work in the anime and manga industry.