Warning! Contains spoilers for recent installments of the manga My Hero Academia!In a series of battles such as My Hero Academy, it’s natural to ask which character in the series has won the most battles. This is a slightly more complicated question than it first appears, as whether group battles or battles that take place off-screen count. But if the given criteria included only team battles and off-screen fights in case of a draw, then ranking heroes by number of wins would become much easier.
With My Hero Academia’s extremely large cast of characters, many heroes don’t have more than 1 or 2 battles to their name. This makes sense because author Kohei Horikoshi couldn’t give these characters the battles they deserved. But in the super-powered world of My Hero Academia, battles are inevitable, so most of the heroes in the series, even those in training, have participated in at least one battle. Some people like many members of Class 1-A have even participated in many battles. After overcoming all these battles, ten My Hero Academia characters come out with more wins than anyone else.
10 attempts
It might be surprising to see the new number one hero at the bottom of the rankings, but Endeavor hasn’t really had many one-on-one battles throughout the series. Even his most iconic victory against High End Nomu had the support of the Hawks. However, in most of the battles that Endeavor participates in, he plays a very dominant role and as a professional hero with a lot of experience, he is said to have won more battles than what is shown on the pages of the My Hero Academia manga. . In fact, although the series doesn’t technically count, Endeavor had an additional fight in the excellent spin-off manga My Hero Academia Vigilantes, but it was interrupted before he could go all out in that battle.
9 Hawks
Hawks achieved a similar ranking to Endeavor in terms of wins largely because Hawks were present in most of Endeavor’s battles. The two aren’t a strict team, but the series often pairs them together since they’re both top heroes. However, the truly personal battle that Hawks was involved in was arguably more impactful than any of Endeavor’s battles, and that was his clash with Twice at the beginning of the Legendary Liberation War arc. squash. This fight could be considered an execution instead, but it still counts and puts Hawks above the flame hero.
8 Iida
Iida has technically won more battles than Hawks and Endeavor, which is why he ranks lower than other characters who have won a similar number of battles. He achieved most of his individual victories in the Sports Festival portion, where he won battles by forcing his opponents out of bounds (in the case of an opponent, he didn’t have to do anything when she walked out voluntarily). He’s also present during Deku’s fight against Stain, but he doesn’t actually do anything to actively help take down the villain. So, despite being an important member of Class 1-A, Iida is ultimately not very impressive in terms of combat.
7 Tokoyami
Despite being one of the most memorable members of Class 1-A, Tokoyami hasn’t actually participated in too many individual battles. The only reason he ranks above much more important figures like Hawks and Endeavor is because he won as many one-on-one matches in the UA sports festival section as Ida did. This is a shame because Tokoyami’s strength makes his fights extremely interesting, and so he should have been more focused on the series, earning a lower ranking in terms of number of battles winning rather than slipping away due to the existence of relatively trivial battles doesn’t show what he can really do.
6 Gigantomachia
Gigantomachia are a strange entry, as they don’t seem to win many battles. In the traditional sense this is true, as the giant bear’s main goal in most battles is not necessarily to defeat the enemy but to reach his master. Unfortunately for his enemies, this is something he is very good at, and he has taken down countless heroes despite their best efforts to stop him. Since this was essentially a win for Gigantomachia, it was enough to earn him a spot among the My Hero Academia characters with the most wins, however untraditional this may be. What level?
5 All possible
This may seem like a low ranking for the ultimate symbol of peace, but sadly it accurately reflects how little the series has shown him fighting. That being said, the battles he’s been a part of have been absolutely epic, with his battle against the Nomu and his climactic clash with All For One being considered some of the best moments of the series . In the current arc of the manga, he is currently engaged in an intense final battle with All For One using an awesome Mech suit and based on how that battle goes, his ranking has can change.
4 Your entry
While many of the series’ villains don’t make the rankings due to them often being defeated by the heroes, Shigaraki is an exception. Even before the major upgrade in the Paranormal Liberation War arc, he was able to easily defeat Re-Destro after awakening his past memories. However, after upgrading, he took his victories to the next level, destroying many pro heroes and then taking down the extremely powerful top American Hero Stars and Stripes. The final battle saw Shigaraki take down even more pro heroes as they stalled time until Deku could arrive and fight him. Deku would likely win this final battle, but the carnage Shigaraki caused along the way easily earned him a spot on this list.
3 shots shot Todoroki
Shoto is one of the strongest members of Class 1-A as well as one of the main characters of the series. This combination of traits has caused him to participate in battles a bit more than many other characters. Besides his victory in the Sports Festival, he also had a climactic battle against his brother Dabi that ended in a brutal victory. While My Hero Academia wanted Dabi to quickly recover from his loss and brought him back, Shoto’s victory there still stands alongside all the various battles he won throughout the series, helping He gets a high spot on this list.
2 Bakugo
Bakugo is the secondary main character of the series, it’s only natural that he will have to fight a lot. Even ignoring the many battles he won during the Sports Festival Arc, the explosive hero in training had many more battles against some great enemies. He has also won against some of the strongest characters in the series such as Shoto and Deku. Even though Bakugo is currently on the brink of death in My Hero Academia’s Final War arc, if he returns, he’s sure to win even more.
1 Deku
Of course, as the main character of the series, Deku has the most wins in the series. This is a function of his powerful abilities as well as Deku’s participation in one-on-one battles in the fog in the series. Deku’s time as Dark Deku himself certainly contributed to this number, but even before that arc, he was still the character with the most wins to date. As the current battle with Shigaraki gets into full swing, Deku may soon add another victory to his long list of battles won.
Ultimately, the nature of My Hero Academia’s story skewed the results of this list, making some characters appear to be better characters than they actually were. However, this doesn’t make this type of ranking any less interesting, as even if it’s not the best indication of who the strongest character is, it’s a good indication of who the strongest character is. received the most attention. When viewed this way, this list can reveal the most important characters in the broader story My Hero Academy trying to tell.