Nigel Ng, comedian and YouTuber best known for his online character “Uncle Roger,” recently found himself embroiled in a copyright issue with Toei Animation. The issue revolves around his latest video release titled “Uncle Roger Review ONE PIECE Curry Curry”.
In this particular video, Uncle Roger revisits the cooking scene in One Piece anime episode 133, titled “A passed down recipe! Sanji, the Iron Man of Curry!,” revolves around Taijo, an apprentice chef recruited by the Marines, who tries to cook curry dinners for the Marine Captains, with Sanji’s help.
The video features Uncle Roger’s signature witty commentary, while also emphasizing the anime’s realistic and detailed depiction of the cooking process. However, despite all of this, Toei Animation issued a copyright strike on the video.
[nội dung được nhúng]
After the strike, Uncle Roger took to his YouTube community page to share a screenshot of that video, along with a message urging viewers to watch the video if they hadn’t already, as it would be removed from the background after 5 days.
“Haiyaaa Uncle Roger has been copyrighted and YouTube will remove my latest weejio (One Piece review) from the platform in 5 days…
If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out and share it now before it’s gone ????.”
This isn’t the first time Toei has taken down a video. They took down videos using their content on YouTube and the matter came to light when YouTuber Mark Fitzpatrick spoke up saying that his videos were taken down by YouTube based on Toei’s complaint.
Source: ANN