The animated series Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft revealed a new trailer at the Netflix Geeked Week event, featuring the song “Gold Guns Girls” by METRIC. The series, which is a Legendary Television production, is scheduled to release on Netflix on October 10.
They previously revealed the key visual and the animated show is the next part of the trilogy. Lara's two iconic pistols are also featured in the new trailer.
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Animated Series – New Trailer Featuring “Gold Guns Girls” Theme Song
Lara Croft is the protagonist of the Tomb Raider video game franchise. She is a smart and athletic British archaeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and dangerous ruins around the world. Created by a team that included Toby Gard at Core Design, the character first appeared in the Tomb Raider video game in 1996.
Netflix describes the new series:
A new Netflix original series starring the iconic rise of Lara Croft is officially in development. Coming soon, only on Netflix.
Tomb Raider (known as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider from 2001 to 2008), is a media franchise that first began as a series of action-adventure video games created by Core Design. The brand is now owned by CDE Entertainment.
The animated series was announced alongside a new Devil May Cry adaptation, which also revealed a new trailer at the same event.
Source: Netflix YouTube
© Bryan Lee O'Malley, HarperCollins, 2021 Universal Studios