‘The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’ is a Japanese light novel series by Kotei Kobayashi, with 11 volumes released as of May 2023. The manga adaptation began in December 2021 and the anime premiered in October 2023.
The story focuses on Terakomari, an inexperienced closeted vampire promoted to military commander, facing a challenging and uncooperative team. Despite her weaknesses and disdain for her vampire heritage, Terakomari strives for success, using her intelligence and cunning to win respect and embrace her true self. . Due to the popularity of the anime adaptation, we have decided to come up with a comprehensive release schedule for the entire first season of’The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’.
‘The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess Episode 4 Release Date
The 4th episode of’The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’ will be released on Saturday, October 28, 2023. The title of the 4th episode has been revealed and it is’The Mercy of the Lonely Crimson’ . The anime usually airs weekly, every Saturday, but there may be shorter breaks in the future. Regarding release time, through various times, here is when the show is scheduled to air:
Pacific Time (PT) – 6:30 am Central Time (CT) – 8:30 a.m Eastern Time (ET) – 9:30 am UK (GMT) – 2:30 p.m Central Europe (CET) – 3:30 p.m
How many episodes will ‘The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’ have?
The exact number of episodes has not been revealed yet, but we can assume that the series will have at least 11 or 13 episodes based on the number of adaptations. Here’s the release schedule for the entire first season.
‘The Annoyance of a Closed Vampire Princess’Episode 1 –’The Quiet Vampire Goes Out’, October 7, 2023’The Annoyance of a Closed Vampire Princess’Episode 2 -‘An Unexpected Uprising ,’October 14, 2023’The Annoyance of a Closed Vampire Princess’Episode 3 –’The Shadow of a Closed Vampire Princess’, October 21 2023’The Annoyance of a Closed Vampire Princess’Episode 4 –’The Mercy of a Lonely Vampire Princess’, October 28, 2023’The Annoyance of a Vampire Princess closed dragon’Episode 5 –’TBA, TBA’The Annoyance of a Silent Vampire Princess’Episode 6 –’TBA, TBA’The Annoyance of a Silent Vampire Princess’Episode 7 –’ TBA, TBA’The Vexations of a Silent Vampire Princess’Episode 8 –’TBA, TBA’The Vexations of a Silent Vampire Princess’Episode 9 –’TBA, TBA’The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’Episode 10 –’TBA, TBA
Where to watch’The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’?
The only place where you can currently watch’The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess’ is HIDIVE. The series aired simultaneously with English subtitles; you may have to wait for the dub for a while after the original release.