Satoshi Miyakawa, a manga author, is set to release a new manga titled Namae no Nai Byōki (Nameless Disease) in Shogakukan's Big Comic Superior magazine's 18th issue on August 23.
The manga is inspired by the personal story of Miyakawa's brother, who has lived as a recluse for three decades.
This touching and poignant story won the grand prize in the magazine's Outstanding Documentary Comics Award, earning Miyakawa 1 million yen and securing the story's serialization.
Additionally, Miyakawa, along with artist Kawa, recently started a new manga series titled Ochiai Hiromitsu no Oreryū Tensei (Hiromitsu Ochiai's Self-Reincarnation) in Kodansha's Morning magazine.
This manga is based on the legendary life of Hiromitsu Ochiai, a former professional baseball player and coach.
Miyakawa's collaborations with Kawa continue to explore unique and engaging stories, demonstrating his versatility as a storyteller.
Miyakawa has also worked on several other notable projects, including the manga Wanope Joker, which he co-wrote with Keisuke Gotō.
The manga is a collaboration between Kodansha's Morning magazine and DC Comics, ending in 2023.
Another famous work by Miyakawa is Uchū Senkan Tiramisu (Space Battleship Tiramisu), co-written with Kei Itō, which ran from 2015 to 2020 and even inspired a successful two-part anime series, streamed on Crunchyroll and Funimation.