An anime adaptation of the Romelia Senki: Maou wo Taoshita Ato mo Jinrui Yabasou dakara Guntai Soshiki shita light novel series has been announced. The anime was first revealed in the latest volume of the manga adaptation. Further details about the project were not revealed.
© Ryo Ariyama, Ryo Kamito, Kodama/MAG Garden
The original action fantasy light novel is written by Ryo Ariyama and illustrated by Kodama, and was first published by Shogakukan's Gagaga Books label on June 19, 2020. Four volumes have been released in total, with the fifth volume set to be released later this month. The series originally began as a web novel on Shosetsuka ni Naro and is listed under the unofficial English title A History of the Romelia.
The light novel also inspired a manga adaptation by Ryo Kamito, which has been serialized digitally on Mag Garden's MAGCOMI website and Manga Doa app since April 23, 2021.
© Ryo Ariyama, Kodama/Gagaga Books, Shogakukan
Romelia Senki follows a young noblewoman named Romelia, whose princely fiancé calls off their engagement after the Demon King's defeat. Despite the victory, Romelia's homeland still has remnants of the Demon King's forces, and she returns with a strong determination to raise an army and march into battle to defeat them using her unique power of luck.
Source: MAGCOMI Official Twitter, MAGCOMI Official Website
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