In an upcoming new anime, fans explore behind the scenes of the Keeper Legion as a group of Dark Rangers seek to destroy the organization from within.
In Kodansha Go! Go! Rangers lose!That cosmic version of the evil alien army changes the traditional war Superman and lose dynamism by doing the unthinkable.
Negi Haruba Go’s Silently Excellent Manga! Go! Rangers lose! being adapted into an anime. Announced last December, the satirically brilliant reimagining of the groundbreaking Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers series (or more accurately, the Super Sentai series on which it is based) will soon take the manga to the mainstream. this guest on the small screen. Judging from the manga and the first trailer, this is an anime that Power Rangers fans in general and fans of the Super Sentai genre in particular won’t want to miss.
The story of Super Sentai Ranger told from a different perspective
The Keiichi Sato anime adaptation of the Haruba manga begins with the classic Super Sentai premise about a group of high-functioning teenagers who gain superpowers through a coin or “transforming” device that later which they use to protect the world from evil aliens who want world domination or destruction. However, Loser Ranger shifts the script to the heart of traditional storytelling. Since heroes win most of the time, that view is ultimately positive. But in the Loser Ranger, the tones are clearly darker and the feel is much more pessimistic. It’s exactly the kind of Dark Ranger story that Super Sentai and Power Rangers fans have been clamoring for for years, and why Tommy Oliver’s Lord Drakkon is such a popular character in the Power Rangers franchise.
The Loser Ranger story focuses on three alternative perspectives. First and foremost is the evil view of the aliens. Tired of constantly losing to the Rangers, due to their corrupt and incompetent leaders, one of the evil alien army members, known as Foot Soldier D decided to put out the fire with fire and infiltrate Ranger Corps to win by sabotage. The second alternative point of view is that of Yumeko Suzukiri, a disgruntled low-level Ranger who has a problem with the way the Ranger Corps operate. For reasons that viewers will see in the anime, Yumeko decided to bring down the Legion as a form of compensation for the harm she believes she has suffered. Finally, there’s the perspective of Hibiki Sakurama, a true Ranger who hopes to get back the old original Ranger ideas and ways that he believes have been lost in the current Legion iteration.
As the title makes clear, fans can look forward to Go! Go! Rangers lose! to tease and mock the Power Rangers series that started it all. But it’s done in a way that’s neither gratuitous nor ridiculous.Go! Go! Rangers lose! development and a story will be interesting without any Superman connections, but also comments on the antics that are easily recognized and criticized by fans for years.