The anime adaptation of Kaiju No. 8 in 2024 has been highly anticipated, attracting attention for its engaging story and Shonen Jump characters. Production IG is doing its best to bring Kafka and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to life on screen.
Both the original Japanese version and the English dub were released simultaneously.
Among those we spoke to were Nazeeh Tarsha, who voices Kafka/Kaiju No. 8, Adam McArthur, who voices Reno Ichikawa, and Abigail Blythe, who voices Kikoru Shinomiya. Although a second season has yet to be confirmed, there is plenty of material from Naoya Matsumoto's manga to adapt.
With over a hundred chapters published and ongoing, Kaiju Issue 8 will likely have multiple seasons or movies to continue its animation journey.
Discussing the future of the series, the English dub cast expressed their long-term commitment to the project. “I will be in it as long as they have me,” says Abigail Blythe, who plays Kikoru. I am so excited to be a part of this universe and play Kikoru.”
Adam McArthur, who plays Reno, echoed her sentiments, “Sure, I would love to stay. It was an easy decision!” Finally, Nazeeh Tarsha, the man behind Kafka, had a message for fans: “Enjoy the ride. Be persistent because there is something here for everyone.”
Their enthusiasm hints at a bright future ahead for Kaiju No. 8, promising more thrilling adventures and character development for fans to enjoy.