Akinoko launched the manga on X/Twitter before being serialized in Big Gangan Square Enix's Manga UP! The global service added Akinoko's Learning to Love My Cat-like Classmate (Tonari no Neko to Koi Shirazu) manga on Thursday.
The company describes the story:
Minato Seno's high school life was just beginning when his homeroom teacher asked him to help Nekozane, the cat-like chronic napping girl who sat next to him in class. Shy and socially anxious, Minato has never spoken to her or even seen her face. But when he finally mustered up the courage to wake Nekozane, she suddenly hugged him on the spot! Thus begins a sweet story about two awkward teenagers who stumble into a new friendship, unaware that their feelings are slowly turning into something more!
Akinoko launched the manga on X/Twitter in November 2023. Square Enix began publishing the manga with the first compiled book volume on March 25 and released the second compiled book volume on April 25. Manga begins serialized in Square Enix's Big Gangan magazine on the same day.
Source: Email correspondence