In the final season of Attack the giant, Eren gained the ability to transform into the fearsome Founding Titan and command a mighty army of Titans. This massive new Titan form is unlike anything seen in the series so far, leading many fans to question what its exact powers are. Answering these questions first requires an understanding of the long history of the Genesis Titan.
Members of the Eldia royal family have been heirs to the Founding Titan’s powers since the walls were built. When the 145th king of Eldia, Karl Fritz, relocated the humans to his kingdom and built walls around them, he used the giants’ tough bodies as the core of each wall. . Once the walls were built, he used the Ancestor Titan’s shout to erase the memories of most of those inside and instituted the Binding Oath to prevent his descendants from going to war beyond the walls. . In the end, however, Eren’s father Grisha was able to steal this power and pass it on to his son, who was eventually able to unlock its full power.
Eren’s Founding Titan Power Makes Him Attack Titan’s Strongest Character
With the full power of the Ancestor Titan at his disposal, Eren was able to awaken the Titans that formed a wall around Paradis and activate Rumble. Rumble is only possible because the Founding Titan can also control any Titan, which allows him to march with the giant Titans on the path of devastating destruction. He can also communicate telepathically with all the Eldians around the world, as he did when he announced his plans for mass genocide. He has also retained the memory manipulation ability that Karl Fritz used to erase his subject’s memories when he first created Paradis. In addition to his mental abilities, his Founding Titan form is also enormous, making him physically extremely majestic.
Eren’s Founding Titan powers make him easily the strongest Titan seen in the series to date. While he’s shown some of these powers in the previous series, such as when he saved Mikasa at the end of Season 2 using his control of the Titans, he needs to contact the Lineage. Royal blood to do it. But after Eren released the founder Ymir from this restriction, he was able to become stronger than ever. He even used his Founding Titan powers to get him to that point, by sending the Laughing Titan to kill his mother the day the First Wall fell.
It would be extremely difficult for Eren’s old friends to stop his rampage due to how powerful the Founding Titan made him. Their final confrontation will no doubt make Attack on Titan’s Final Season airing in the fall of 2023 potentially the best episode of the series. Regardless of how Attack on Titan ends, Eren’s rampage shows that the Ancestor Titan’s power will affect the future of the Eldians as much as it affected their past.