Get ready for a heartwarming tale of a unique love story as the manga “My Wife Has No Emotion” is adapted into a television anime. The film revolves around Takuma, a single man with a monotonous life, both work and family. When he decides to reduce his housework by asking a robot named “Mina-chan” to help with the housework, he has no idea that this decision will lead to unexpected developments.
As Takuma and Mina-chan spend more time together, their relationship develops beyond the boundaries of human-robot interaction. To celebrate the upcoming anime adaptation, a captivating new illustration featuring the pair has been revealed on the cover of Monthly Comic Flapper magazine. In addition to this exciting work of art, the series also introduces two new actors, adding more depth to the cast.
Directed by Fumihiro Yoshimura at Tezuka Productions, with series composition by Mitsutaka Hirota and character designs by Tsuyoshi Sasaki, “My Wife Has No Emotion” promises to be a fresh addition to the season's lineup. upcoming tournament. Mark your calendars for the film's premiere on July 2 and prepare to embark on a journey filled with romance and heartfelt emotions.