The upcoming anime adaptation of A Girl & Her Guard Dog revealed the main trailer this morning. The anime will begin airing on September 28. Project No.9 is working on the animation.
[nội dung được nhúng]
A Girl & Her Guard Dog – Main Trailer
Yoshihiro Takamoto will direct the film adaptation. Aya Satsuki is writing the series, while Yukiko Ban is designing the characters. Tsubasa Ito is composing music. The cast includes:
Akari Kito as Isaku SengakiYuchihiro Umehara as Keiya UtoMai Nakahara as Kaori SekiyaJunya Enoki as Mikio Tanuki
A Girl & Her Guard Dog (Ojo to Banken-kun) is based on the manga written and illustrated by Hatsuharu. Kodansha USA is licensing the manga in English and describes the plot as:
Isaku was never asked to be the daughter of a yakuza boss, but when her parents died in a car accident when she was 5 years old, her gangster grandfather took her in and raised her. She is like a member of the family. After years of being avoided by his schoolmates because of family ties, Isaku is finally ready to debut in high school, live a normal life, and maybe even find love… until someone The family’s loyal servant and devoted guardian of Isaku, 26-year-old old Keiya, enters high school right next to her and vows to protect her from all of the above! Now she has to deal with a chain-smoking, pistol-wielding (?) armored knight and navigating high school? What’s a young girl to do?!
Source: Twitter and Website
© Hatsuharu, Kodansha/The “A Girl & Her Guard Dog” Production Committee