Zom 100 Chapter 63 will continue. Currently, Akira and the group are enjoying themselves Yakushima. Izuna also returns to her normal behavior after the scary incident.
Izuna also said that she worried about Tsuru and they should return to the lab soon. After finishing the tour, there was a loud bang that also attracted all the zombies nearby.
Soon, the group was also stuck with nowhere to go. But they heard a mysterious voice asking them to get down. A mysterious person uses giant cannons to blast all the zombies out of the way.
The person said the sound was the final above-ground combustion test. That person’s name is Hirotaka Ukaji and this was the final missile test. All that’s left is to go into space.
Hirotaka didspace research of himself, even during the zombie apocalypse. Takeru recalls one of the items on his list: experiencing zero gravity. Hirotaka said that this would be unmanned flight.
He says this zombie apocalypse is the perfect time to travel to another planet. He added that announcements about lunar bases on the Moon and Mars have been made.
The whole group was surprised after hearing all this information and they walked around for a while to watch this rocket launch. The group also asked Hirotaka if they could fly into space with that rocket and him ready to agree.
Hirotaka gave us more information about space and said the team will be free to go to space if this drone flight is successful. As soon as the rocket launch begins, the perimeter containing the zombies begins to break.
Zom 100 Chapter 63 Spoilers & Predictions
The group finds themselves in another difficult situation after the final part of this chapter. Even as the rocket launch approaches, zombie time is still possible disorganize missile launch.
Since there are only about fifteen seconds left, we can assume that the zombies will break the barrier and entered the missile launch site. Once Hirotaka and the space engineers notice this, they will stop the rocket launch.
The zombies will definitely damage the missile and launch will be stopped From now on. The worst thing is that there are no weapons inside the space station to stop the zombies.
Akira and the others will try their best to drive away these zombies and they will also try to protect the rocket. After things calm down, Hirotaka will resume his missile repair work.
This episode will end with Akira and the gang save the world again and the opportunity to watch this rocket launch and experience the zero gravity plan will suffer delayed >.
Zom 100 Chapter 63 Release Date
Zom 100 Chapter 63 will be released on February 18 if there is no delay in releasing next month’s chapter. We might get an earlier release for the next chapter if we’re lucky enough.
Raw scans and spoilers of the manga are released at a very fast pace abnormal. If raw scans and spoilers are released for the next chapter, we will update the spoiler summary in this article later.
Here are all the spoilers and predictions for Zom 100 Chapter 63. For some more content-based articles and weekly updates, make sure to check them out below.
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Eswar Keshav has been an avid anime fan and has been wanting to know more for over a decade. Additionally, he also follows anime and manga updates over the years. He is also very enthusiastic and passionate when writing about the things he loves. Combining his love of writing and love for anime and manga, his articles express his love for the genre.