The production team behind the Yuru Yury Oomuro-ke spin-off anime has revealed four new voice actors and character designs who will participate in the two 40-minute anime films. The films are titled Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters and Oomuro-ke: Dear Friends and both will premiere in Japan in 2024.
Additional cast members include Reo Kurachi as Kokoro Ogawa, Ayasa Itou as Mirai Soma, Aoi Koga as Misaki, and Suzuko Mimori as Himawari Furutani (who returns from the main series).
They join the main cast including Emiri Katou as Sakurako Oomuro, Chiwa Saitou as Nadeshiko Oomuro and Rina Hidaka as Hanako Oomuro.
Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters and Oomuro-ke: Dear Friends will be directed and written by Naoyuki Tatsuwa (directed by Nisekoi) with Masahiro Yokotani (Re:Zero) as screenwriter and series writer, Ueta Kazuyuki (Love Flops) is the character designer and Yuusuke Shirato (Kunoichi Tsubaki’s In the Heart) as the composer. Passione and Studio Lings are handling the animation production for the two films.
Namori’s Oomuro-ke manga was first launched on July 2, 2012, and has released six tankoubon volumes as of December 2022. The manga was released in December 2022. published by Ichijinsha and is currently being serialized on Yuryhime@pixiv. It follows the daily lives of Sakurako Oomuro and her sisters.
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Sakurako was first introduced in the main YuruYuri manga series (also by Namori), which began on June 18, 2008 and inspired multiple anime series and OVAs.
Source: Oomuro-ke Official Anime Website