Attack on Titan is a true gem in anime and manga. Its engaging storytelling and stunning visuals have cemented its status as one of the best works to grace the screens of anime enthusiasts. Although the anime series ended last November, the manga series reached its thrilling finale in 2021.
At the heart of Attack on Titan is the story of Eren Jaeger, a young protagonist whose life is changed forever when Titans brutally attack and eat his mother. Driven by a desire for revenge, Eren undertakes a mission to destroy all Titans and regain humanity's lost freedom. This epic journey unfolds in a richly crafted world, blending elements of post-apocalyptic horror with dark fantasy and non-stop action, a vast and dedicated fan base. .
The Attack on Titan anime adaptation has seen three seasons come to life thanks to the talent of WIT Studio. However, as the series approached its climactic finale, a significant change occurred.
MAPPA Studio took the helm of the fourth and final season, tasked with delivering a fitting conclusion to Eren's story. This change has piqued fans' curiosity, leading to speculation as to the reasons behind this switch.
Recently, George Wada, president of WIT Studio, clarified the decision to change studios for the ending chapters of Attack on Titan. His insights provide valuable context for the development of the series and the collaborative efforts involved in turning Isayama's vision into reality.
As the legacy of Attack on Titan continues to resonate with audiences around the world, its impact on anime and manga is undeniable. From its humble beginnings as a serialized manga to its stunning animated adaptation, the series is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of immersive stories, regardless of genre.
President of WIT Studio talks about changing Attack on Titan's studio
In a recent interview with Anime Corner, WIT Studio President Wada delved into the decision behind MAPPA taking the helm of Attack on Titan's fourth season.
He emphasized how this transition was instrumental in ensuring the series ended successfully, even admitting that the series could have faced failure had MAPPA not been involved.
Wada expressed satisfaction with Attack on Titan's enormous popularity, while admitting that the timing of the manga's popularity does not always align with the production schedule of anime adaptations.
He emphasized MAPPA's important role in completing the series, praising the studio's capabilities and expressing gratitude for their participation.
“It is truly a great joy to witness the widespread acclaim for Attack on Titan. However, reality often entails a disconnect between manga's growing popularity and the feasibility of adapting it into anime. We had the intervention of MAPPA to complete this series. Their expertise ensured the story continued seamlessly, for which I am extremely grateful.”
To Wada's understanding, synchronizing the timelines between the manga and anime posed a challenge for the series. Without MAPPA's intervention, the ambitious task of completing the Attack on Titan anime adaptation would likely have been unachievable, highlighting the key role of collaboration in the anime industry
Attack on Titan Changing Studios was the right decision
The move of Attack on Titan to a new studio for its final season left fans reeling with surprise. WIT Studios has created an exceptional anime series and many hope they will see the series reach its grand conclusion. However, the Wada President shed light on why this change was necessary to provide a fitting finale.
In an interview with Anime News Network, Wada provided insights into the complex workings of anime production, revealing that the success of previous seasons of Attack on Titan depended heavily on sales. DVD sales number.
By the time the third season began, WIT Studio had committed resources to many other projects, which could affect both the schedule and quality of the series.
There's no denying that the stakes are high for the ending of a series as epic as Attack on Titan. Any lapses in animation quality or timing could tarnish the legacy that WIT Studio has built over the years.
Realizing this, the decision to entrust MAPPA with the final season emerged as a strategic move, presenting a win-win scenario for all parties involved.
By allowing MAPPA to take the helm, WIT Studio ensures that Attack on Titan's big finale receives the attention and resources it deserves, protecting the integrity of the series while preserving the studio's reputation . This collaborative effort ultimately ensured a satisfying conclusion for fans and maintained Attack on Titan's legacy in the annals of anime history.