Glimpses of the highly anticipated remake of One piece The anime, The One Piece, finally premiered at the One Piece Day event, promising a faithful new adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's popular manga. The dynamic staff revealed for the remake at the event further solidified the project. With Netflix and Wit Studio at the helm of The One Piece, it is hoped that they will once again breathe life into One Piece in this exciting new endeavor.
However, Wit Studio's collaboration on this remake comes with a certain history that fans should take note of. Wit Studio is known for its notable work on the first three seasons of Attack on Titan and the first season of Vinland Saga. While the switch from One Piece's traditional animator, Toei, to Wit isn't necessarily a negative outcome, it does raise concerns that the upcoming remake could suffer a similar fate to Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga.
After releasing excellent adaptations, Wit Studio handed over Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga to MAPPA. Wit Studio is known for producing high-quality anime, but the trend of popular titles being handed over to MAPPA, despite Wit's success, is worrying. To ensure the success of the new One Piece remake, it is important to avoid this pattern.
One Piece Remake Shouldn't Be Handed Over to MAPPA Like Attack on Titan Was
The possibility of One Piece remake being given to MAPPA is slim but worrying
While the chances of a One Piece remake being commissioned by MAPPA are slim, historical precedent makes it hard to ignore. Since One Piece is just as popular, if not more so, than Vinland Saga and Attack on Titan, there's still a chance that this could happen again. However, One of the main reasons Attack on Titan was moved to MAPPA was due to scheduling conflicts.. If that's the case, the One Piece remake may avoid a similar fate, as reports suggest that this new project is being organized efficiently. With no pressure on animators to quickly produce a large volume of high-quality episodes, Wit Studio can take their time and deliver the best One Piece remake possible.
There is also the factor of MAPPA's poor reputation for allegedly overworking its staff, a concern that is widely discussed in the anime community. With over a thousand chapters to adapt, scheduling conflicts can arise and in such cases, it is important to give the studio enough time to manage the workload. Unfortunately, MAPPA has allegedly struggled with this in the past as seen during the release of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, when the tight schedule led to concerns about the health of their animators.
Another reason why the One Piece remake is the best fit for Wit Studio is to preserve and enhance Eiichiro Oda's legacy even after his manga ends. Wit Studio's slow but faithful adaptation in a streamlined manner includes high-quality episodes that will keep the series going for years even after the manga ends. The recently released concept art for The One Piece is a testament to the incredible potential of this adaptation under Wit Studio's care. By avoiding unreasonable requests from fans and giving Wit Studio the time and creative freedom to execute, One piece The remake should be kept around as long as possible to avoid meeting the same fate as Attack on Titan.