The anime series 'Dragon Ball' is filled with strong and brave characters. The entire series includes countless characters from almost every planet, galaxy, and even universe. Creating a universe of extremely powerful beings that possess both evil and benevolent qualities.
While separate universes may contain variations of the same individual, there are some beings that possess omniscience and do not have such variations. These beings are extremely powerful. A prime example is the angels, who have several corners in the entire multiverse.
Determine the exact definition of an angel and identify the most powerful angel of them all.
What are the angels in Dragon Ball Super?
As omnipotent beings, angels occupy a very high position in the hierarchy of beings across the entire multiverse. Angels are assigned to a number of gods responsible for the destruction of each universe.
These angels act as advisors to help the gods understand their responsibilities and are personal servants to the gods.
There are many angels, and they have incredible immortality. With the exception of Zeno, who has the ability to destroy anyone, no other angel is immortal, regardless of their power. The fall of angels depends on them violating a rule stated in the angelic code.
Angelic laws are few, but those that do exist are extremely strict and must be obeyed by all.
Angels must demonstrate neutrality and impartiality. They are incapable of providing or seeking assistance, even in the event of their universe being destroyed. Each angel cooperates with their respective deity of destruction.
When a god of destruction dies, the designated angel goes into hibernation until a successor is found.
While all angels possess incredible powers, there is one angel that stands out as the most formidable. Let's find out.
Who is the strongest angel?
The High Priest is the most formidable angel in the entire universe of the anime series 'Dragon Ball'. He serves as the personal servant and advisor to Zeno, the supreme entity in the multiverse.
As the first of such, the High Priest had the authority to independently execute Zeno's heavenly decree and angelic law.
By the inherent characteristics of an Angel, the High Priest possesses complete immortality. Only if he breaks the law can he be executed, and in that case, he will be killed immediately.
In appearance, the Grand Priest is a small celestial being with pale blue skin and glossy silver hair. Although his stature is much shorter than other angels, he exudes an air of superiority.
Unlike other angels, he possesses a halo that hovers behind him instead of wrapping around his neck.
The Grand Priest possesses immense power and can use divination to accurately determine events that occur in the multiverse. This attribute makes him one of the most formidable characters in the 'Dragon Ball' series and the most ferocious angel.
If you are interested in learning about the strongest angel in the Dragon Ball universe, check out more interesting articles on AnimeZ for the latest details and updates on your favorite characters. Stay tuned for more content