The anime adaptation debuted on Netflix on Sunday
Viz Media’s Shonen Jump website published on Monday the one-shot manga “Monsters: Ippaku Sanjō Hiryū Jigoku” by One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda in English under the title “Monsters”.
The manga inspired by the anime Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation premiered in Japan on Monday and outside Asia on Sunday on Netflix.
The cast includes:
Hosoya reprized his role from the previous dub adaptation.
Ani-One Asia describes the anime:
In a world where the only “threat” that can disrupt peace is up in the sky. “Terror” can cause catastrophic destruction to this world, Dragon. An adaptation of the legendary one-shot manga by 19-year-old Eiichiro Oda, before “ONE PIECE” was serialized. This is the story of Samurai Ryuma.
Jujutsu Kaisen and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 director Sunghoo Park directed the anime and was also responsible for composing it. Park’s new E&H production studio animated the work. The anime is one episode long.
One-shots are introduced in Oda’s Wanted!, which is a collection of ONE-shot Manga. Shueisha publishes Wanted! in Japan in 1998. Shueisha first published one-shots in 1994 in Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga features the character Ryuma, who later appears in Oda’s One Piece manga.
Source: Viz Media