The Tying the Knot with an adaptation of the anime Amagami Sister has received a visual image of the two titular sisters and a release date of 2024. The main cast has also been revealed.
Yuujirou Abe (Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!) will direct the film at Drive with >Hiroshi Watanabe (Meiji Tokyo Renka: Yumihari no Serenade and Meiji Tokyo Renka: Hanakagami no Fantasia directors) as assistant director. Aoki Yasuko (My Tiny Senpai) is the editor of the series while Haruko Iizuka (Horimiya) is the character designer.
©内藤マーシー・講談社/ 「甘神さんちの縁結び」製作委員会
Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister is based on the manga by Marcey Naitobegan serialization in 2021 and has 11 tankoubon volumes as of July 2023. This manga was originally a one-shot published in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine in 2020.
Kodansha USA describes the manga’s plot as follows:
Uryu Kamihate has had a rough start in life, but plans to forget it all by achieving his dream—getting accepted to medical school. But when he arrived at his new foster home, a working temple, his dreams of a quiet place to study were dashed. Not only does he live with three beautiful, bubbly Amagami sisters—but he also learns that he must marry one of them and take over the temple!
Source: @amagami_anime