BS TV Tokyo announced on Friday that it is producing a live-action series adaptation of Tsukiko's romantic comedy manga Batsukoi, which will premiere on BS TV Tokyo and TV Osaka on October 19. Riho Takada (pictured left) plays Kahori Mirumachi, while Shu Watanabe (right) plays Teruyoshi Sunagoya.
Image via X/Twitter Account of the live-action Batsukoi series
© 「バツコイ」製作委員会2024
The series revolves around Kahori Mirumachi, a lawyer who has only had superficial relationships, saying that she just wants to “enjoy the fun parts of life.” A relationship, her only rule is to not become involved in an affair. However, despite her best efforts, she ends up falling for her teacher Teruyoshi Sunagoya, unaware that he is in the process of getting a divorce, and thus she accidentally has an affair with him.
Tomoko Tanaka, Seigo Noguchi, Toshimitsu Chimura, and Nobuaki Suzuki are directing the film with a script by Ayuka Kishimoto, Natsuki Takahashi, Mikaho Ishikawa, Yūichi Onuma, Miyako Yasojima, Shinji Kuma, and Masayoshi Kishida.
Tsukiko launched the manga in Kodansha's Hatsu Kiss magazine in December 2014 and ended in July 2019. Kodansha published the manga's sixth and final volume in September 2019.
Kodansha United States has released all five volumes of Tsukiko's She, Her Camera and the Her Seasons manga in English.
Source: Batsukoi live-action series' website, Natalie Comics