The Tomodachi Game manga series, created by Yuki Sato based on an original idea by Mikoto Yamaguchi, will end with the 26th volume set for release in fall 2024.
The announcement was made in conjunction with the release of volume 25 on May 9, 2024. The manga, which debuted in 2013 in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shonen Magazine, has garnered considerable popularity after 11 years of publication. copy.
Tomodachi Game follows Yuuichi Takagiri and his friends—Tenji Mikasa, Makoto Shibe, Shiho Sawaragi, and Yutori Kokorogu—through a gripping story of betrayal and the test of friendship.
Manga game Tomodachi is about to end
The story begins when their school trip is canceled due to lack of money, leading to them being isolated by their classmates. The situation gets worse when they are lured into a meeting and robbed by unknown people, waking up in a mysterious white room with the character from the canceled children's show, Manabu-kun.
Manabu-kun explains that someone in the group orchestrated their gathering to settle a significant debt. To clear this debt, they must participate in a series of friendship testing games. As the game progresses, secrets and betrayals emerge, challenging Yuuichi's understanding of his friends and their relationships.
The series' popularity was boosted by the April 2022 anime adaptation, produced by Okuruto Noboru, known for its psychological thriller elements and smooth animation. Previously, Tomodachi Game was adapted into a television series in June 2017 and the live-action film received mixed reviews.
With 25 episodes already released, the upcoming 26th episode will conclude the story by the end of 2024. Despite the initial hiatus in December 2019 and subsequent hiatuses, Tomodachi Game's fan base continues to grow, fueled by good storylines and character motivations.
The concluding volume is eagerly anticipated by readers, as they await resolution to the complex web of friendships and betrayals that weave throughout the series.
#Tomodachi Game has evolved since its inception in 2013 into a compelling manga series that explores themes of trust, deception, and friendship. With the ending looming in the fall, fans are ready to witness the final unraveling of the mysteries and conflicts that have fascinated audiences for over a decade.