Dandadan is a popular Shonen manga series written and illustrated by Yukinobu Tatsu, serialized since April 2021. The series is about to release a highly anticipated anime version in Fall 2024.
This manga is famous for its graceful fight choreography and beautiful illustrations. Studio Science SARU has perfectly adapted the manga style into anime in a creative and brilliant way.
The story revolves around Momo Ayase and her classmate Takakura. While Momo believes in ghosts, Takakura, a paranormal skeptic, believes that aliens are real. To prove themselves right, they make a bet, which soon sets off a series of hilarious events.
This young love story revolves around chaotic events with demons, monsters, aliens, battles and lots of drama.
And if all goes according to plan, it will become one of the biggest anime shows in the world. Shinichi Tabuchi, Director of MBS TV's General Programming Department, promoted the anime by saying (as reported by Yahoo): “This is an anime series that is fun even for older people like us, about facing unexpected events while accepting each other's diversity. I'm sure it will go viral like Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyuu and Demon Slayer.”
MBS is the anime producer of Dandadan, along with Aniplex. Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer are two of the most popular fighting shounen series while Haikyuu is loved by sports anime fans.
All three of these shows are globally popular and it would be an incredible feat if the new series had a similar impact on anime fans.
In July, the first three episodes of the Dandadan anime were shown at Anime Expo 2024 and received many compliments from the audience. They appreciate the quality of anime, with beautiful images, unique art styles and engaging, engaging storylines. Many people also think that Dandadan goes beyond what the trailer revealed.