In the vast universe of Naruto Shippuden, there are many impressive techniques. Among them is an extremely powerful and rare ability, this is a special technique from Uchiha Madara’s Mangekyou Sharingan. However, it is only shown once in Naruto.
This unique technique is called the “Rewind Technique”, which gives Madara the ability to rewind time by several minutes, a notable feat even among the already powerful abilities of the characters in the series. story.
This extraordinary power is revealed in an OVA episode included with the game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. It showed off an unprecedented aspect of the character’s abilities, despite their non-canonical nature.
The special power of Madara’s Mangekyou Sharingan was only revealed in the OVA
In the aforementioned episode, during the confrontation with Hashirama Senju, Madara used the Mangekyou Sharingan to reverse time after being hit by the Fuma Shuriken. This action demonstrates the great potential of this technique, showing that if used in real combat, it can significantly change the course of the battle. It may even allow Madara to defeat Hashirama, a feat that could change the course of history in Naruto Shippuden.
Why doesn’t this technique appear in the main Naruto series?
Interestingly, the main series (including the manga and anime) does not reveal the special abilities specific to Madara’s Mangekyou Sharingan, an intriguing detail shown in the OVA episode. This omission may be strategic, considering Madara’s already immense power in the story.
The inclusion of a jutsu capable of turning back time would certainly make him an invincible opponent, capable of altering the balance of power established in the series.
Thus, “Time Rewind Technique” not only highlights the complexity and depth of the Naruto characters’ abilities, but also offers reflections on the limits and implications of advanced powers so in the overall story. Including it in an OVA tied to a game would reinforce the idea that, in universes like Naruto, there are always aspects and possibilities that need to be explored, some of which remain outside the scope of the series. main story but no less attractive.