Kamihate’s marksmanship skills with guns redefined what guns could do in Shonen Jump manga, demonstrating innovative new ways to use guns. Unlike other characters in Shonen series who rely on magical abilities, Kamihate’s marksmanship skills are based solely on their own abilities, making them some of the best marksmen in Shonen manga. Sakamoto Days broke new ground in creating innovative ways to use guns, challenging the notion that supernatural powers were more effective and showcasing Kamihate’s unique abilities as a sniper. Shonen Jump’s best player.
Jump Shonen characters often fight in unique ways, but a new villain is completely redefining the capabilities of a classic weapon. This is somewhat surprising given how many mangakas have previously created this type of fighting technique on their own. However, Yuto Suzuki’s Sakamoto Days shows that there are still many creative new ways to use even the most common weapons.
In the most recent chapters of Sakamoto Days, a new member of the manga’s most elite group of assassins, known as the Order, has appeared. This new member, Kamihate, is one of the best snipers in the world, to the point that they only communicate with others by shooting. This includes simple expressions of dissatisfaction and more complex messages transmitted through the recording of syllables on a piece of paper. They have also used their incredible abilities to destroy the laptop of someone who was trying to outbid them in an online auction. These feats make them some of the best marksmen in manga and have redefined what guns can do in fiction.
Shonen Jump’s Sakamoto Days redefined what guns could do
Sakamoto Days was created by Yuto Suzuki
Of course, Kamihate’s extreme marksmanship skills have put them in good company with many other masters of arms who have graced the pages of some iconic shounen action series. Many Shonen series feature characters who can perform inhuman feats with swords, such as Zoro from One Piece or Tanjiro from Demon Slayer. Some series even extend this to things like bows and arrows, such as The Elusive Samurai which is set during the historical Japanese war. However, in many of these examples, the characters are aided by magical abilities to make their feats more impressive. Given the slightly more realistic setting of Sakamoto Days, Kamihate cannot rely on this type of crutch.
Given that Kamihate’s marksmanship skills are based on their own abilities, they are easily some of the best gun users in all of Shonen manga. This distinction is reinforced by the fact that many Shonen series do not feature many guns. There are many reasons for this, from the fact that many Shonen series take place in settings where there are not many guns and sometimes supernatural powers prove more effective than guns. Additionally, many times when a series has a lot of guns, it is more realistic than Sakamoto Days and thus the series’ characters cannot perform the crazy feats that Kamihate can do.
All of this allows Sakamoto Days to break new ground in creating innovative new ways to use guns. The series has previously innovated using other weapons that are not similar to Shonen Jump such as saws with Osaragi and hammers with Shishiba, so it’s possible that another member of the Order could innovate new ways to use them. Guns are natural. As Sakamoto Days shows more of the future Kamihate, their status as Jump ShonenTheir best marksman will likely be reinforced even further as they continue to redefine the capabilities of their weapons.
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