According to Sinamovie Decryption directed by Tran Tu Thanh will be released on August 3. Previously, the film achieved 100 million NDT (more than 350 billion VND) in pre-order revenue, a positive number for such an academic project with such artistic depth.
Sina Add movie Decryption starring Liu Haoran had advance screenings to test the audience's reaction. Most viewers praised the film's content, aesthetics, visual effects, and acting. 163 review “film elevates Chinese cinema”, Sina asserted that “The film is a refined model of the cinema world”. Page The Paper praised “Finally China has an excellent biopic”, and said that veteran actor Chow Yun Fat cried while watching the film.
Director Chen Sicheng claims this is the best work of his career. Statistics site Maoyan predicts the film will gross 1.24 billion yuan with a quality score of 7.5 out of 10. Douban.
However, there are also opinions that Tran Tu Thanh is imitating director Christopher Nolan but does not have the same vision and talent as him. Some theater managers believe that the film's limitation lies in the fact that it is too long and not all audiences are interested in this genre, and do not fully understand what the film wants to convey.
As soon as the trailer was released, the audience was shocked when the male student god Liu Hao Ran looked like a 70-year-old man. According to Sinato play the role of Dung Kim Tran, Liu Hao Ran lost 10 kg, shaved his hairline and eyebrows, revealing his bald head. Many viewers expressed that Liu Hao Ran seemed to have “disguise” technique, they no longer recognized the “national first love Du Hoai” of years ago.
The project is set in the 1940s, Liu Haoran plays Dung Kim Tran, a mathematical genius recruited into the secret unit 701 thanks to his extraordinary talent in decoding. In addition to Liu Haoran, the film features John Cusack, Ngo Ngan To, Tran Dao Minh, Phan Viet Minh and Du Phi Hong, who are famous actors in China and the world. The film is directed and written by Tran Tu Thanh, scheduled to be released on August 3.
Liu Haoran was born in 1997. In 2016, he became famous throughout Asia thanks to his television work. The Best of UsIn addition, Liu Haoran also starred in a series of movies. Detective ChinatownHe is the first 9X actor to have a total revenue of 10 billion NDT.