The Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu manga is being adapted into an anime, which will air in 2025. Studio Voil, which is also animating the upcoming Acro Trip anime this year, is both producing and producing the series This. A commemorative illustration by mangaka Kuzushiro was released as part of the announcement:
Anime Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu – Anniversary illustration
Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu (Unbearable Smiles at Work) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kuzushiro. It was first published as a one-shot in Kodansha’s josei Kiss manga magazine in February 2019. It was later picked up and serialized in Kodansha’s Comic Days manga website in May 2019. The manga’s ninth volume was recently released, with the cover also mentioning the main character. anime adaptation of the series.
Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu – Volume 9 Cover
The series follows Nana Futami, a new shoujo manga artist who works hard every day while being assisted by Kaede Satou, a female editor older than her, and Mizuki Hazama, her assistant.
It should also be noted that this will be Studio Voil’s second major production. The studio is represented by Takeo Ootaka, who was previously an animation producer for Geno Studio before founding Voil. Ootaka is known for his roles in Golden Kamuy, Scarlet Nexus and Gyakusatsu Kitan. Voil also assisted in making the second episode of the Tomo-chan Is A Girl series.
Source: Comic Book Day
©Kuzushiro/Comic Day