The manga Jujutsu Kaisen tells the story of Yuji Itadori, a young man who is pulled into the curse world after swallowing Sukuna's finger and becomes the vessel of the Curse King. Shinjuku Showdown is the final part of the series, where the necromancers work together to defeat Sukuna, Kenjaku, and Uraume.
Among other villains, the battle against the strongest is the spellcasters' toughest battle to date. The series begins with Sukuna's appearance and ends with his defeat. Therefore, as the main antagonist of the series, Sukuna only died because of the collective efforts of the main cast.
While the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen was unsatisfying and received a lot of criticism from the fan community, people realized that this ending had many similarities with Attack on Titan.
What happens in the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen?
As revealed in chapter 271, the last frame of the chapter shows one of Sukuna's fingers being placed inside a sealed box and sealed. In Shinjuku, Sukuna had the strength of 19 fingers and he swallowed his original body's skull to compensate for the lack of a 20th finger.
The last finger was sealed to deceive him. Not only that, Nobara also uses the Resonance technique on it, to weaken bad guys in the middle of battle. However, the finger itself cannot be destroyed. Therefore, the spellcasters had no choice but to seal it. The curse will now gradually weaken over the years.
As long as the curse exists, the possibility of another vessel appearing remains. Not only that, Sukuna also met Mahito on the path that souls take to complete the cycle. He said he would take a different path in life next time. This shows that Sukuna hopes to have another chance at life.
What is the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen similar to Attack on Titan?
In a way, the final episode of Jujutsu Kaisen is actually similar to Attack on Titan as the manga ended by showing “the cycle continues”. Years after the war ended, a boy and his dog discovered the tree where Eren was buried.
Now that tree has the shape of the tree from which the Progenitor Ymir gained the Titan's power. This implies that the boy could gain the Titan's abilities, bringing that power back to the world. That is, the war will never truly end and the current world is still at risk of going through everything again.