Kaiju #8 or Kaiju No. 8 established itself as one of the most anticipated anime series released in 2024, thanks to its engaging storytelling and hugely successful manga published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The series tells the adventures of Kafka Hibino, an ordinary man who, after a strange accident, accidentally gains the ability to transform into a Kaiju.
The adaptation of the Kaiju #8 anime is in charge of the famous Production IG company, promising to bring an epic experience of battles against giant monsters.
First released in 2020, Kaiju #8 quickly climbed to the peak of popularity, approaching the release of its 100th chapter. So far, the rich story of the manga created by Naoya Matsumoto, continues continues to be expanded with new chapters. The series has been highly praised for how it builds the plot and context as well as focuses quite well on how the characters handle problems. The image of the work is also a big plus.
Kaiju Side Story #8: Expanding the universe with “Kaiju No. 8 Side B”
The franchise recently announced an exciting expansion with the release of a new spin-off manga, titled “Kaiju No. 8 Side B”. This spin-off is an expansion of the established universe, where humanity faces the constant threat of kaiju.
The spin-off’s story is derived from a previous light novel, titled Kaiju No. 8: Close-ups! The Third Division, released in 2022. Although retaining Naoya Matsumoto as screenwriter, the spin-off has Kentaro Hidano as illustrator.
Prediction about Spin-off “Kaiju No. 8 Side B”
The fan community enthusiastically received the news about Kaiju No. 8 Side B was shared through the series’ official social network. The release is scheduled for January 5 next year, adding to the anticipation of series followers.
The appearance of the anime “Kaiju #8” on Crunchyroll
The anime adaptation of “Kaiju No. 8” will air on Crunchyroll next April. The central plot focuses on Kafka Hibino, who despite his aspirations of joining the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to fight kaiju, ends up following a different path. He partnered with Monster Sweeper, Inc., a company that specializes in cleaning up the remains of battles against kaiju. The series promises to explore themes of friendship, ambition, and the constant fight against giant threats.