The Sword Art Online franchise is teasing a new film project in production. The announcement was made on the anime series’ official Twitter/X account following the first terrestrial broadcast of Sword Art Online Progressive: Scherzo of Deep Night. Considering the timing of the announcement, the film could very well be another installment of the Progressive franchise.
Besides thanking the audience for watching the broadcast, Notification read:
A brand new theatrical anime is in production. Please wait for more information!
Sword Art Online is a light novel series by Reki Kawahara that began in 2009. It has spawned many anime television adaptations, films, manga, and light novels. The latest installment of the animated television series is Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld: Part II, which aired in summer 2020. A series titled Ordinal Scale also exists.
The Progressive series is adapted from the light novel of the same name, telling the story of the first part of Sword Art Online. The light novel written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by abec began serialization in 2012 in Dengeki G Magazine.
It was recently announced that the film Ordinal Scale will be released in Ultra HD 4K format, scheduled to premiere this February. Watch the announcement trailer:
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Source: Official Twitter/X
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