In September 2023, Weekly Shonen Jump launched a new manga series that has since quickly risen to the top of Japan's bestseller charts. The series, which opens an exciting new direction for the company, has pushed Shonen Jump to embrace what they call the next generation of “Cool Japan.”
The manga in question is none other than Kagurabachi, a bold dark fantasy story written and illustrated by Takeru Hokazono. As detailed by Japanese news outlet 47NEWS, the series captures the “seductive allure” of Japanese swordplay through the story of Chihiro Rokuhiro—a teenager whose father is murdered by a group of witches, prompting him to embark on a journey of revenge. Nordot recently sat down with Hokazono for an interview in which he described what inspired him when creating Shonen Jump’s latest hit manga.
Naruto and Hollywood Blockbusters Inspired Shonen Jump's Kagurabachi
While previous works like Tite Kubo's Bleach and Koyoharu Gotouge's Demon Slayer also featured sword combat, what sets Kagurabachi apart is its unique setting, which Hokazono says evokes the “exaggerated” image of Japan often seen in Hollywood films—films that are often filled with battle-weary swordsmen facing off against powerful foes. This dramatic tone and atmosphere is often expressed in Kagurabachi, particularly in a scene where “dancing” goldfish fly out of Chihiro's sword, splashing blood as he wounds his enemies. Hokazono credits Masashi Kishimoto's manga Naruto with inspiring the “challenging composition” of this and other scenes in Kagurabachi.
The modern vision of “Cool Japan” seems to be shifting away from carefree heroes like Luffy and Naruto in favor of more complex antiheroes like Chihiro. However, Hokazono doesn’t want the protagonist’s motivations—or his own—to be oversimplified by readers. “Instead of making it a game that just gives you the feeling of revenge, I’m changing it. I’m doing the story in a way that’s different from the mainstream,” he commented. Notably, Hokazono’s main cinematic influences include Academy Award-winning directors Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained) and David Fincher (Fight Club).
Kagurabachi has proven itself to be Shonen Jump's biggest new hit series.
In just half a year, Kagurabachi has solidified its status as a rising star of Shonen Jump. Volume 1, released in February 2024, has sold 200,000 copies worldwide. Additionally, Shueisha's international manga reading service Manga Plus reported that Kagurabachi's digital views have exceeded 100 million since its debut. Last month, Hokazono's manga even reached No. 1 on the Weekly Shonen Jump Index page, beating out hits like Sakamoto Days and Jujutsu Kaisen. Having dropped out of college to pursue a career as a manga artist, Hokazono is grateful for the reception her work has received. “To my parents, who happily accepted [my decision to drop out]I felt that I must succeed.”
Takeru Hokazono's manga Kagurabachi is now available in English on VIZ Media.
Kagurabachi follows the journey of Chihiro Rokuhira, a young swordsman with a dark past, as he seeks revenge for his father's murder. Armed with a mystical sword forged by his late father, Chihiro battles dark forces and uncovers the secrets of his family's legacy.
Author Takeru Hokazono
Artist Takeru Hokazono
Release date September 19, 2023
Category Work
Book 2
Source: 47NEWS