Aspiring manga artists compete for the chance to adapt their work into live action shorts as Toho partners with Shonen Jump+ to sponsor a storyboarding contest through the World app Maker.
Shonen Jump+ announced the contest on World Maker App’s X account. All creators are encouraged to participate but are required to storyboard a 10-minute (maximum) short video through the app. Anime News Network reports that Toho Animation will adapt the winning entry into a live-action short film and the artist will also receive a cash prize of 500,000 yen (about $3,300 USD). Storyboards can be submitted until November 12, after which entries will be judged by Shonen Jump+ editors along with Jordan Vogt-Robert, director of Kong: Skull Island and the live action movie. -action adaptation of Gundunda. Results will be announced this December, with winners and honorable mentions also announced on the World Maker app.
Shonen Jump+ launches a short film making contest in conjunction with two other contests. The Manga World Maker contest runs until October 1, sourcing thumbnail entries created using the app. We Never Learn author Taishi Tsutsui will illustrate the manga for the winner, who will receive a cash prize of 500,000 yen ($3,300 USD). In addition to the miniature contest, Shonen Jump+ also partnered with streaming giant Netflix to sponsor the World Maker Anime Contest for budding artists.
Storyboard app for general advertising
Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ released storyboarding app World Maker last July as a service for users who want to create manga thumbnails or storyboard spreads. While the app is designed for creators, it’s also for regular users who don’t know how to draw but still want to see their storyboards. Anyone can create thumbnails and storyboards from scratch using backgrounds, layouts, and graphic elements selected from available templates. The storyboards can then be published or used as pitches for anime, live-action productions, and even advertisements. Output can also be translated into 17 languages for wider reach and engagement after release.
Storyboarding is an essential skill that creators must have, and it is also a foundational element for comic artists who want to break out and gain recognition. The World Maker app serves as a playground for anyone who wants to one day join the huge manga industry.
Source: Anime News Network