The Servamp manga series released a special trailer to celebrate the release of its 21st volume. The trailer introduces the main characters, Mahiru and Kuro, along with many other dynamic characters of the Servamp series as they face off against his enemy, Tsubaki. Takuma Terashima and Yuki Kaji, who voice Mahiru and Kuro in the anime series Servamp, can be heard in the trailer. The manga series will end with two volumes, with Volume 23.
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Servamp special trailer
Readers will enjoy the 22nd volume of the series in 2024, which is also when the final volume will be released. The series is currently in its final season. The summary of the latest episode of the series is described as follows:
Mahiru and Kuro have grown immensely through the various challenges they have faced. To stop their enemy, Tsubaki, from using the reincarnation ritual to become a count, they face him in a final battle in Tokyo with the other Servamps, their Eve, and the members of C3. . What will be the fate of Tsubaki, Kuro and Mahiru?
Servamp is a manga series written and illustrated by Strike Tanaka. It has inspired an anime adaptation, a feature film, drama CDs, a series of side stories, and a stage play adaptation. The manga first began publication in 2011 by Media Factory and was published in the shoujo manga magazine Weekly Comic Gene.
The series adaptation of Brain’s Base and Platinum Vision aired from July 2016 to September 2016 and ran for 12 episodes, while the series, titled Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden, premiered in April 2016. 2018. The film and anime series were directed by Hideaki Nakano. It’s worth noting that only Platinum Vision worked on the film. The stage play adaptation took place from November 2020 to December 2020.
All 12 episodes of the Servamp anime series can be streamed on Crunchyroll. Seven Seas Entertainment licensed and published the manga in English. There are currently 19 volumes published and the 20th volume will be released in July 2024. They describe the series as:
Vampire cats only serve one master
When a stray black cat named Kuro crosses Mahiru Hirota’s path, the freshman’s life will never be the same again. In reality, Kuro is no ordinary cat but a servamp: a servant vampire. While Mahiru’s personal philosophy is one of non-interference, he soon becomes embroiled in an ancient, completely surreal conflict between vampires and humans.
Source: Animate
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