The story revolves around Lee Chang Seon, who was born on December 25, 2001, in Korea on Earth. For unknown reasons, in the year 2027, he traveled to the planet Arcadia. That’s why fans of the series are extremely excited to know what will happen next in the upcoming Return Of The Shattered Constellation Chapter 96.
In this strange world, he killed millions of gods and became a fearsome god himself. However, his reign was cut short when he was captured and taken to the execution site to face punishment.
At this place of execution, Lee Chang Seon met Yule, the god of death of the underworld.
Normally, any deity facing divine judgment would not be able to avoid complete destruction.
However, Arcadia has different rules from Earth – all humans have predetermined lifespans and destinies recorded to determine their existence.
The profound implication is that even the gods on this planet are not completely in control of their destiny. These records of life and death have great power, but only to the extent that they are written.
Lee Chang Seon’s unlikely encounter with Yule at this crucial moment seems to foreshadow that his predetermined fate may not be sealed.
Many details about his story are revealed – his father is Lee Jo Myeong, and his mother is So Yoo Ha. What remains to be seen is whether Chang Seon will escape his punishment and how the strict life-or-death arc on Arcadia will affect the outcome.
Summary and review
In the previous chapter, Lee Chang Seon ate a steak imbued with the blessing of a swordsman. This results in his strength permanently increasing by 0.5.
Additionally, eating this steak erased all his fatigue and removed all the curses placed on him.
As Lee Chang Seon’s energy increased, his wound began to heal quickly. His health and mana reserves were also fully replenished.
All wounds from both his encounters at the Emerald Isle and with Gemini disappeared. This level of rejuvenation indicates divine intervention from Minerva, who appears to have invested in supporting Lee Chang Seon.
Beyond the physical impact, the event also marked a turning point in which Lee Chang Seon enhanced his abilities and reinvigorated himself for whatever challenges lay ahead.
The swordsman’s blessing empowered him both physically and mentally. Furthermore, with Minerva now actively protecting him, Lee Chang Seon also seems to have supernatural forces on his side.
What remains to be revealed is how he will take advantage of this fortified position against the formidable enemies that will surely await him.
Spoilers and expectations
As Lee Chang Seon continues moving forward, he discovers an ominous prophecy that foretells lurking danger to his home.
An ancient evil is expected to return, and the only way to prevent this dire outcome is for the prophesied chosen one to unite the two legendary blades.
Lee Chang Seon realizes his great destiny – he must be the one to wield the dual swords to save the group from impending doom.
This revelation sparks a fierce race against time. He must rally allies to his cause and confront dangerous enemies.
His mission takes unexpected turns as he traverses treacherous terrain, piecing together the intertwined histories of the two swords while battling powerful enemies drawn to energies Awakening around mystical weapons.
The story escalates to a climactic confrontation that promises to be a pivotal moment that changes the family’s fate.
The outcome will also cement Lee Chang Seon’s place in the nest’s legend – will he become the chosen hero as the prophecy foretold or fail in his mission, causing the nest’s destruction? ? The stage is set for a thrilling ending.
Release date and where to read
Chapter 96 Return Of The Shattered Constellation is about to be released and is expected to be read by fans January 1, 2024.
- Japan Standard Time: 10:00 p.m. Monday, January 1, 2024
- Central European Time: 03:00 pm Monday 1 January 2024
- New York: 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 1, 2024
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 am Monday, 1 January 2024
- Pacific Time: 6:00 a.m. Monday, January 1, 2024
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 p.m. Monday, January 1, 2024
You will be able to read the upcoming Chapter 96 The Return of the Broken Constellation on the time and date we mentioned on Kakao Page, with official raw scans of previously released parts and parts coming out story.