The Quintessential Quintuplets anime has released a new music video to celebrate its fifth anniversary, allowing fans to relive the entire story in about four and a half minutes. The video features the theme song “Because It Was You” sung by the Nakano sisters (Kana Hanazawa as Ichika, Ayana Taketatsu as Nino, Miku Ito as Miku, Ayane Sakura as Yotsuba, and Inori Minase as Itsuki).
The Quintessential Quintuplets – Anime 5th Anniversary Music Video featuring the Nakano Sisters' “Because It Was You”
The first season of the anime adaptation of The Quintessential Quintuplets aired from January to March 2019 and was animated by Tezuka Productions. Bibury Animation Studios handled the second season, which premiered in 2021. Bibury Animation Studios also animated the final film, while SHAFT animated a television special that premiered in Japanese theaters in September 2023. A new television special will premiere in Japan on September 20, featuring Futaro's honeymoon.
Negi Haruba drew the manga from August 2017 to February 2020, which was serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine and collected into 14 volumes. He also drew an epilogue chapter and is supervising the light novel adaptation. Crunchyroll streams the anime.
Source: Official YouTube
© Negi Haruba/KODANSHA/“The Quintessential Quintuplets” Production Committee