Pokémon Horizon‘ episode eleven deals with Titan Arboliva, the aftermath of a wildfire, and a shocking second ancient Poké Ball. Episode 12 is set to see the crew help clean up the forest, get their hands on that Poké Ball, and introduce a new character. Here’s a guide to help fans adjust to the action for the next episode.
When will Pokémon Horizons Episodes be released?
For now, new episodes of Pokémon Horizons aren’t easy to watch outside of Japan. Premiere episodes take place at 6:55 p.m. JST on Friday, which equates to 5:55 a.m. on the US East Coast and 2:55 a.m. on the West Coast. Besides the problem of inconvenient timing, the series was broadcast on TVTokyo, a channel that few Western audiences have easy access to. Fans should also note that these episodes are broadcast without subtitles, as they are intended for Japanese-speaking audiences. The official Western release for Pokémon Horizons is currently set for 2023, though no more specific date has been set.
What happened in Pokémon Horizons Episode 11?
Episode 11 of Pokémon Horizons saw Riko and Roy chasing a clue on Black Rayquaza. Joined by Molly, they travel to a certain forest based on information from Brassius, only to discover the forest has been ravaged by a wildfire, causing many Pokémon to relocate. When the party tries to help an injured Wooper, the guardian of the forest, a Titan-sized Arboliva, mistakes their actions for aggression and begins to attack. Facing the biggest battle of their brief coaching careers, Roy and Riko keep Arboliva busy while Molly can cure it. After seeing the results, Arboliva stepped back and showed Riko and Roy the destroyed forest.
Pokémon Horizons Episode 12 introduces a new character
In episode 11, Friede mentioned waiting for a call from Mrs. Lucca, and it looks like this new character will be introduced in Pokémon Horizons episode 12. The preview shows a new dark-haired woman who isn’t a character. member of the airship’s crew, probably this Lucca. She seems to be an ally of them, although little is known at this point. The episode shows the crew joining in to help clean up the forest after the fire, earning Arboliva’s respect. The preview also shows Arboliva seemingly delivering a second mysterious Ancient Poké Ball to Roy, raising all sorts of questions about what might have been inside it and how fans found out.
What’s interesting is that episode 12 of Pokémon Horizons is returning to the jungle, as during Pokémon’s Ash Ketchum era, heroes rarely deal with the aftermath of major events, often leaving a paternal character. good for them to take care of. belong to. That’s another sign that Pokémon Horizon represents a whole new era for the series, such that even seemingly isolated episodes will continue their stories.