In 2024, Dragon Ball – Akira Toriyama’s iconic manga series will reach a historic milestone: its 40th anniversary. Since first appearing in the pages of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1984, Dragon Ball has become a global phenomenon. To mark the occasion, Shueisha is planning a large-scale celebration, including a unique art exhibition in Japan.
The highlight of the celebration will be a special art exhibition, including 40 manga covers interpreted by some of Shonen Jump’s famous authors.
The list of participating artists includes notable names such as Gege Akutami – author of Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuki Tabata – author of Black Clover and Sui Ishida – author of Tokyo Ghoul. Recently, Yusuke Murata – famous manga artist of One Punch Man and Eyeshield 21, revealed his cover version of Dragon Ball volume 12. This image has added a unique touch to this already rich Dragon Ball universe.
In addition to the art exhibition, 2024 will bring an exciting expansion to the Dragon Ball universe, with the release of the Dragon Ball Daima movie. Under the direction of Akira Toriyama, the new anime promises to bring an original story and fresh designs. The film is directed by Yoshitaka Yashima and Aya Komaki, with character design by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru and script writing and supervision by Yuuko Kakihara.
In this new story, a mysterious plot has shrunk Goku and his friends into child form. In search of a solution, they embark on a journey to a new and mysterious world. Goku quickly adapts to his new stature, returning to using the Power Pole in battle, bringing a classic element back to the film.
Goku’s voice actor Masako Nozawa has expressed excitement and curiosity about the characters’ new forms, heightening fans’ anticipation for this brand new adventure.
While specific details about the plot of “Dragon Ball Daima” are still being kept under wraps, fans’ expectations are increasing. Akira Toriyama’s direct involvement in the film ensures an emotional and authentic journey, promising to bring a memorable 40th anniversary of Dragon Ball.