In the world of anime, One Piece has been a dominant giant for 25 years. Its influence and popularity is not limited to Japan, with millions of viewers watching it every week all over the world.
Now, the One Piece anime is more anticipated than ever, as the series is heading towards the Elbaf arc in the manga. This arc is part of Eiichiro Oda's epic final story arc for Luffy and the Straw Hats.
The anime show is constantly achieving new achievements, it actually surpassed its own ratings this year.
Previously, in 2011, the One Piece anime set a record with four highest-rated episodes on IMDb in a single year. 2024 now has five episodes that have set the record, with episode 1115 airing on August 11 being the fifth episode to reach the gold standard of 9.7 on the site.
The other episodes are episode 1089, episode 1100, episode 1112, and episode 1114, showing a recent streak of consecutive achievements of the One Piece anime.
The appearance of Admiral Garp and the ensuing battle were particularly popular with fans. Episode 1100 in particular saw Luffy use Gear 5 for the first time on the small screen.
After all this time, One Piece still manages to outdo itself. Many new works have come and gone since Luffy first set sail, with Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen being the latest to really dominate the anime scene.
But none of them can match One Piece in terms of longevity. Even Dragon Ball took a long break between GT and Super. One Piece is in a class of its own and is constantly evolving, as evidenced by a small but notable record that was broken after 13 years, and it's not over yet.
Back in July, IMDb released the top 10 TV shows of 2024 with the highest average ratings. The list included some of this year's best shows, including The Bear, House of the Dragon, The Boys, and Shogun. But One Piece blew them all away with a 9.08 rating.
All of the shows in the top 10 are great, which makes One Piece's win all the more important. It shows that anime is becoming more widely known in the West. And if any anime can captivate the world so easily, it's One Piece, as we've seen.