Following the recent announcement of the One Piece anime remake titled The One Piece at Jump Festa’24, Hiromi Ishigami, an animator is working on the ongoing anime adaptation of the series and has also is the animation director of One Piece Movie: Redtook to Twitter to share his thoughts on this important news.
Ishigami begins by expressing a feeling of anticipation and curiosity, suggesting that One Piece The remake could bring a breath of fresh air to the ongoing series.
However, he also said that the announcement of the remake made him a bit sad because he felt that the efforts the staff had put in over the years would no longer be effective. tapered off with the release of this newer adaptation.
“The ongoing anime remake is innovative. I wonder how it will turn out. I feel a bit sad that the value of the anime we have built up over the years may be diminished,” Ishigami said in his post.
One of the comments on this post points out that some viewers may never see the currently in-the-works adaptation of the anime One Piece. Although the animator agrees with this point of view, he hopes that viewers will not ignore the current adaptation.
Ishigami added that he would be even happier if viewers liked both the current adaptation and the remake set to come out in the future.
On the other hand, a lot of people watch One Piece Others commented on Ishigami’s post saying that they will not forget the current adaptation and that it will always be cherished. Some people especially acknowledge and appreciate the work Ishigami has done on the anime.
All the support from fans seems to have put the animator at ease, who says that out there is a warm world that doesn’t mind his narrow-mindedness.
“I’m so happy because so many people from other countries are telling me that my narrow-mindedness is not true! It’s a warm world where people care about work and even me as an employee. I am happy to hear that,” his tweet read.
Anime One Piece will be remade on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its release. Wit Studio will produce The One Piece with all-new animation and will begin with an adaptation of the East Blue Saga. It will be streamed exclusively on Netflix.
One Piece manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, has been serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump since July 1997, with individual chapters compiled into 107 tankobon volumes as of November 2023.
Source: Twitter